Monday 24 December 2012

Blogmas | Day 23

Hey lovelies

Ow deaaar! Sorry I'm Blogmassing at 2am.. I haven't got round to it today so I'm really sorry. Atleast I'm remembering to do it aha. Today I got up late which is a no-no and so I need to get up early this morning so I can wake up early for Christmas Day. Its now Christmas Eve because it's past midnight!;-) *cheeky*. So today I made a Gingerbread house. FIRST TIME EVER! It looks amazing, full with chocolate buttons and jelly tots and icing sugar.. mmmm. I don't want to eat it because it's so pretty but I will because I LOVE gingerbread! With the remaining mixture I made gingerbread men which turned out quite cool.
I'm so excited for Christmas now, I need to wake up at 6am to NORAD track Santa but seeing as I'm still up at 2am I really can't see that happening. So I'll get up around 8/9. Tomorrow I will have a really busy day so you guys will have a good read of Blogmas! I still don't know whether to blog for the whole month or stop after my birthday.. you lot haven't told me what you want so I'll just go ahead and do the whole month!
I also need to do my NOTW post tomorrow and I promise I will. I've been slacking a lot and it's terrible..

Meet the family..;-)

Hope you all like my new family and apartment.. haha joking;-)
have a BRILLIANT Christmas Eve!
Love you all..


  1. Aww this is adorable!! I love the roof. Merry Christmas xx

  2. Haha aw thankyou! You too!
    I love your blog xo

  3. These are soooo cute! I wanted to try them but i didn't have the time!

    I've just started with my new photography blog... like it if you want, and follow me back!

  4. yeah, they're lovely haha!

    i followed you back xxxx


Please feel free to comment your opinions/thoughts! I respond/read all of them!
Thanks for taking the time to read the post and make a comment, it means a lot!
Zofia xo

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